Are you a graphic designer, illustrator, artist or just someone with a creative flair who is passionate about the Planet . then this competition is for you!
Icarus Complex has launched its first annual Planet Poster Award. This year’s theme is Let’s Get Political!
Find information on how to submit and what the conditions are below. But here is a rundown: start by following @icarusccomplexmagazine on Instagram. Once you have designed your poster, create a post on IG and tag @icaruscomplexmagazine and @theclimatepropagandist
Then submit your file to with a descriptive note and you are all set!
There is a 1000 € cash prize for the winner and publication of their work in the print publication which will be out in September 2024!
Live EVENT will be held in London during London Climate Action Week June 23rd, 2024 from 18:00-20:00 at Parcels Building Get your tickets here – limited spaces available.