An in-depth look at the issues and solutions surrounding Climate Change.

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Issue 6

We are also extremely proud and humbled to share Genilson Guajajara’s photo series which he shot during this past April’s largest Indigenous gathering to protest the unlawful annexation of Indigenous Lands in the Amazon – a lifeline for the whole planet. It is also during this gathering that photographer Joel Redman shot this beautiful cover.

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As always, the brilliant Emma Bryce brings us stories of resilience from around the globe. In On the Frontline she looks at the devastation that the fossil fuel industry has wrought in Louisiana and the way it is putting all of its energy into continued and increased plastics production at a time when the planet is already drowning in plastics.

Though the word colonialism has been overused ad nauseam and applied to even the most unrelated subjects, we do have to reckon with the very real consequences of colonial structures around the world. Yatou Sallah, our digital editor,  looks at how rice overtook the Senegalese diet within the context of its colonial past and how that has shaped its fight towards food sovereignty today in A Recipe for Resilience. Madeleine Bazil takes us on a journey, in Commoning the Karoo, of what a just transition could look like by drawing a portrait of community-led projects in South Africa. We take a look at what climate-smart farming means in the context of Bangladesh and how farmers there are circumventing some of their challenges, and finally Adam Wentworth tries to make the case that in order to build a more climate resilient future, something has got to give, and that something, as private consumers should start with our diet.